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Anthony Pecqueux, Perrine Poupin, Jean-Baptiste Vuillerod
Tracés, hors-série 2022
L'interdisciplinarité « en effet » : sciences sociales, sciences naturelles
Interdisciplinarity "in effect": Social sciences, natural sciences
This special issue of the journal Tracés focuses on interdisciplinary practices across the social sciences and natural sciences. we sought to reflect on ways of practising interdisciplinarity across disciplines whose research objects, methods, epistemologies and theoretical references seem to differ significantly

Anne Clerval, Mathieu Van Criekingen
Métropoles, n°31/2022
Politiques de gentrification
Gentrification policies

Nicolas Escach, Benoît Goffin
De la Baltique à la mer Noire
From the Baltic to the Black Sea
Saint-Pétersbourg - Narva - Riga - Daugavpils - Minsk - Kiev - Odessa - Sébastopol - Sotchi - Tbilissi
Odyssée, villes-portraits

Luigi Bobbio, Patrice Melé, Vicente Ugalde
Gouvernement en question(s)